Piobaireachd Variations
- Dithis
- Written in accordance with scale chart above, e.g., himen hinen, hioen, and hinen, hioeo, hoeo, etc.
- Siubhal
- Ditto, e.g., hinda, hindo, hiodo, himto.
- Leumluath
- For the Leumluath beat to E from any note other that D the symbol is bare, e.g., hiobare, hobare, etc. From D to E harode (using B grace note), or habare (using D grace note). To F (as in Cronan na Caillich) barhe. To high G bari, and to high A darI (Park Piobaireachd) or possibly barI.
- Taorluath
- The symbol for the Taorluath beat is darid, e.g., hodarid, hadarid. Taorluath to low G is darem, e.g., hiodarem.
- Taorluath Breabach
- the same with the addition of one note according to the scale chart.
- Taorluath a Mach
- is expressed hiotroeo (B), hodroeo (C), and hiotraea (D).
- Tripling
- is himbabem or himbaem (low G), hindaen (A), hiotoeo (B), and hodoeo (C). Followed by melody note, e.g., hindaenda hindaendo, hiotoeodo, himbabemto. Low G tripling followed by low G is sometimes himbamembam.
- Crunluath
- The symbol for the Crunluath beat is bandre, e.g., habandre, chebandre, etc. Sometimes (e.g. in The Blue Ribbon) the Crunluath on D is written harobandre. Crunluath to low G is bamdre, e.g., himbamdre.
- Crunluath Breabach
- the same with the addition of two notes according to the scale chart.
- Crunluath a Mach
- is expressed hiotrodre (B), hodrodre (C), and hiotradre (D).
- Crunluath Fosgailte
- First two notes as per scale chart, followed by dre (which represents the throw on E), e.g., hindodre, hintodre, etc.