
Piobaireachd Variations

Written in accordance with scale chart above, e.g., himen hinen, hioen, and hinen, hioeo, hoeo, etc.
Ditto, e.g., hinda, hindo, hiodo, himto.
For the Leumluath beat to E from any note other that D the symbol is bare, e.g., hiobare, hobare, etc. From D to E harode (using B grace note), or habare (using D grace note). To F (as in Cronan na Caillich) barhe. To high G bari, and to high A darI (Park Piobaireachd) or possibly barI.
The symbol for the Taorluath beat is darid, e.g., hodarid, hadarid. Taorluath to low G is darem, e.g., hiodarem.
Taorluath Breabach
the same with the addition of one note according to the scale chart.
Taorluath a Mach
is expressed hiotroeo (B), hodroeo (C), and hiotraea (D).
is himbabem or himbaem (low G), hindaen (A), hiotoeo (B), and hodoeo (C). Followed by melody note, e.g., hindaenda hindaendo, hiotoeodo, himbabemto. Low G tripling followed by low G is sometimes himbamembam.
The symbol for the Crunluath beat is bandre, e.g., habandre, chebandre, etc. Sometimes (e.g. in The Blue Ribbon) the Crunluath on D is written harobandre. Crunluath to low G is bamdre, e.g., himbamdre.
Crunluath Breabach
the same with the addition of two notes according to the scale chart.
Crunluath a Mach
is expressed hiotrodre (B), hodrodre (C), and hiotradre (D).
Crunluath Fosgailte
First two notes as per scale chart, followed by dre (which represents the throw on E), e.g., hindodre, hintodre, etc.